Good Health Habits for the Super-Busy

Making time for physical fitness and self-care activities may seem simple enough, a matter of making a few adjustments to your schedule. But where do you make room? A busy work week and family life makes it very difficult to force even minor changes into a schedule taken up with multiple responsibilities. However, there are ways you can take advantage of and strategize idle moments in your daily regimen. It’s a less-disruptive way to ensure that you’re getting exercise, proper food and a little time to relax and regroup now and then.
Meal planning
If you’re too busy to sit down for a balanced meal every day, you’re probably one of the many who opt for fast food and convenience. But by planning ahead you can get the low-calorie, high-protein and high-fiber foods you need to thrive and maintain a hectic pace. Create a meal plan that emphasizes vegetables, low-fat meats, and whole grains. Prepare meals during the weekend that can be warmed up and enjoyed throughout the week.
Sneak it in at work
Getting to the gym on a regular basis is a definite challenge when you’re super-busy. Instead of giving up on exercise, identify different times in the day when you can work in some physical activity. For example, when you have the speaker phone on during a conference call, spend a few minutes doing deep-knee bends, lunges, and stretching exercises. Resistance bands are convenient options to get in a few minutes of strength work when you’re behind your desk. Just taking the stairs instead of the elevator each day can provide valuable exercise.
Productive sleep
If your busy schedule sometimes causes you to miss a meal, you surely can’t afford decreased productivity at work or a weakened immune system. That’s what you risk by not getting a full night’s sleep. Those who toss and turn during the night and don’t wake up feeling refreshed should try getting to bed at the same time every night (on weekends too), and limit screen time close to bedtime. People who use smartphones before hitting the sack get less sleep, and suffer from poorer quality sleep than those who avoid the phone or computer near bedtime.
If you’ve tried a variety of methods to help you achieve better sleep, it might be time to try a supplement. CBD, which comes in e-liquid, juice, gummies and oil form, is an effective antidote for sleep problems. A derivative of cannabis (without the psychotropic effects of marijuana), cannabidiol can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and relieve pain and inflammation.
These days it’s difficult to cultivate a wholesome and balanced lifestyle, one in which nutrition, restful sleep and exercise are the norm rather than the exception. Achieving that ideal may be a stretch for you, but you can improve things incorporating healthy strategies into your busy days. With patience and determination, you’ll make steady, incremental improvement in your physical and mental well-being.
Article written by Jennifer McGregor
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