Stay Hydrated This Weekend

Give Thai Massage a Try!

The Benefits of TMJ Massage

Are You Afflicted With Back Pain?

Unlocking the Healing Power of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Massage Therapy: The Tonic For Stress

CBD Massage: Is It Worth the Hype?

As the stigma surrounding cannabis is slowly but surely getting replaced with curiosity and acceptance, more avenues have opened for research into the medical and recreational […]

Can Cupping Work for You?

When celebrities like Jennifer Anniston and Michael Phelps appeared with marks on their backs, many people wondered what they were. The answer was they were the […]

How to Spoil Mom on Mother’s Day

As a child or a spouse, this is one holiday celebration that just can’t be messed up. This is why we suggest doing a little planning for […]

Good Health Habits for the Super-Busy

Making time for physical fitness and self-care activities may seem simple enough, a matter of making a few adjustments to your schedule. But where do you […]

How Massage therapy Can Help Cope with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects predominately dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain. It affects 500,000 people in the US. Symptoms […]

Why Massage Can Help Your Arthritis

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is not really a single disease but an informal way of referring to joint pain. There […]

Massage for Plastic Surgery Recovery

Post-Operative massage is not only a great way to ease the stress and pain of surgery but also can assist in reducing inflammation and swelling, improve […]

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is not an oft-requested modality at Urban Oasis, but many of those who do ask for it report great relief. Pioneered and developed […]

Can a Massage Help in Getting Pregnant?

Well, it certainly can assist! There’s a new take on an ancient massage technique that’s called The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®.  It focuses on […]

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking?

Water is your body’s largest chemical component. In fact, it makes up about 60 percent of your body’s weight. Simply put, you depend on water to […]

Our Love/Hate Relationship with the Sun

The sun is both worshipped by some people and totally avoided by others. Our relationship with the sun’s rays have radically changed over the decades. Sun […]

Letting Someone Walk All Over You: Ashiatsu Massage

Typically, letting someone walk all over you is not a good experience in life. That is, except when you’re getting an Ashiatsu massage. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar […]

How to Stop the Grind: TMJ Relief

There is one thing near your mouth that can be a real pain and just as hard to relieve.  The temporomandibular joint (or more commonly known […]

What Dad Really Wants for Father’s Day

In America, there is nothing like Mother’s Day… Father’s Day, on the other hand, is relegated to 2nd class status.  (How many of you know it’s […]

Oncology Massage for Helping Cancer Patients

Cancer patients face many difficulties addressing the symptoms of their disease and its treatments. Many tell us they are tired of their visits to sterile hospitals […]

Planning the Perfect Mother’s Day

As a child or a spouse, this is one holiday celebration that just can’t be messed up. Eighty percent of Americans celebrate this day and, on […]

Massage These Stress Points to Relax a Crying Baby

Crying babies frequently suffer from different issues like stomach pain, congestion, a cold, or constipation. The ancient art of reflexology has been effectively used to alleviate […]

Thai Massage: It’s Like Doing Assisted Yoga

The most common massage that Americans receive is a traditional Swedish style where the client gets undressed and lies, covered, on a special padded table.  Most […]

Got Back Pain? Here is Few Surprises That Can Help

Suffering from back pain is one of the most common problems as people age. According to a report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM), it is […]

Can Cupping Work for You?

When celebrities like Jennifer Anniston appeared with marks on her back, people wondered what they were. The answer was they are the byproduct of cupping therapy. […]

10 Surprising Things That Make People Happy

When asked what makes people happy, the typical answers are family, friends and money. But here are ten other things that may surprise you that can […]

Surprise Scientific Benefits of Massage Therapy

The benefits of massage therapy are well known; it helps reduce stress, pain and muscle tension. But here some scientific benefits that may surprise you: Sleep […]

Why Sports Massage is the Perfect Companion to Your Workout Routine

It’s spring but it’s still nippy! Have you started running outdoors? With cold temperatures comes increased stiffness before and after vigorous exercise. Sports massage may be […]

How to Recover Quickly from St Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day, especially in Chicago, has become an annual rite of spring. We eat corn beef and cabbage, watch lively parades and participate in pub […]