Oncology Massage for Helping Cancer Patients

Oncology Massage for Helping Cancer Patients

Cancer patients face many difficulties addressing the symptoms of their disease and its treatments. Many tell us they are tired of their visits to sterile hospitals and doctors’ offices.  At Urban Oasis, people living with cancer can come in for a relaxing massage in a beautiful, natural, tranquil environment and not think about their troubles for an hour or so.  According to Laurie Hoffman, one of our veteran therapists who is certified in Oncology Massage, her clients are most appreciative of the nurturing, caring, therapeutic touch they receive in our quiet, meditative space.

Besides the important stress-relief and spiritual lift our clients receive, scientific research has confirmed other benefits of Oncology massage.   Results of a clinical trial with cancer patients, published in the Journal PAIN, showed massage therapy can significantly reduce pain and increase muscle relaxation.  It has also been reported that massage can reduce nausea during chemotherapy treatments.

Our therapists, trained in Oncology Massage, learned what specific questions to ask their clients, what areas to work on and what areas to avoid.  They learned what techniques to perform, like using longer, softer strokes, as well as foot Reflexology.  Above all, they learned “To Do No Harm”.  For these reasons, it’s recommended that you seek out a therapist who is specifically trained in Oncology Massage.  At Urban Oasis, you can choose from Deb at Maple Street or Laurie, Marelda, Nour or Rae at North Avenue.  Click here to read their bios.

If you are interested in scheduling a massage, click here for our phone number.  If you are unsure whether massage is recommended for your specific condition, please contact your physician before scheduling with us.

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